Andover Arrows - Netball Team

Hope you have enjoyed the summer break - Junior training will re- start on Monday 9th September 6pm to 7pm look forward  to seeing you there.

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The organisation shall be called Andover Arrows Netball Club (hereinafter referred to as AANC).


The AANC is formed as a voluntary body for the amateur sport of netball within the Andover area and surrounding districts.


All members must affiliate and play to England Netball rules (hereinafter referred to as EN).


Each member shall be required to complete membership documentation. Individuals who register to the AANC are bound by the Constitution and Code of Conduct of the AANC.

Objectives (Equity Statement)

To encourage young persons of all abilities to take part in and enjoy netball, and thereafter sustain their interest.


To collect any money for the AANC.

a) To raise funds by any lawful means

b) To receive donations towards the operating costs

The AANC financial year shall end on 31 July, annually. The Treasurer is empowered to keep proper accounts and regularly report to the committee on financial matters affecting the AANC. The Treasurer shall present an audited statement of the AANC accounts at the AGM.


A committee shall be elected by the members at the Annual General Meeting, to manage the operations of the AAJNC. The committee to comprise:

  • Chairperson
  • Secretary
  • Vice Chairman
  • Umpiring Secretary
  • Treasurer
  • Head Coach
  • Additional Rep.
  • Club Volunteer Co-ordinator

Each member will have full voting rights.


Annual General Meeting (AGM)

An AGM shall take place giving 28 days notice to the members. At the AGM the Chairperson will chair the meeting. All existing committee members shall retire, but be eligible for re-election.

The names of the candidates proposed should be completed on a Committee Nominations Form. The completed form should besent to the Secretary, prior to the AGM. Nominations for unfilled posts will also be accepted from the floor.

Business of AGM

  • Receive a report from the Chairperson
  • Receive a report and final accounts from the Treasurer
  • Receive reports from the rest of the main committee
  • Elect officers of the AANC

Voting shall be a show of hands from members. In case of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.

Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM)

An EGM can be called, if requested, by at least 5 members of the committee or 10 members of the club. 14 days notice shall be given in writing to all members. Voting shall be a show of hands from members. In case of a tied vote, the Chairperson shall have a costing vote.

Committee Meetings

The committee shall meet as often as required to conduct the business affairs and plan events. Any member of the committee has the right to call a meeting, but no decision can be made unlessthere is a quorum of 5 members. Voting will be a show of hands, in case of a tied vote the Chairperson shall have a casting vote.


The following shall be eligible for membership : any boy or girl aged between 8 and 11 years, any female and non-playing male members aged 12 years and upwards.


The AANC operates the EN disciplinary procedures.


In the event of winding up, or dissolution, of the AANC and after all debt and liabilities have been satisfied, any monies and equipment shall be given or transferred to some other charitable organisation having similar objectives, which further and develop amateur sport.

Katrina Morton

Val Tuffrey

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